
SVET Reports

Carrefour Implements Blockchain

Carrefour S.A. (61 years old French multinational retailer headquartered in Boulogne Billancourt, France, revenue EURO 78.9 billion (2017), more than 380 thousands employees, 12300 stores worldwide (not in USA), compare to WallMart - Revenue $514.415 billion (2019), 11348 stores worldwide) issued a "Communiqué de presse" which says that it intends to implement so-called "Carrefour Quality Line (CQL)", which uses blockchain to track the delivery of micro-filtered full-fat milk from producers to customers using QR-codes.

Citing: "La blockchain garantit aux consommateurs la traçabilité complète des produits. Grâce au QR Code présent sur l’étiquette, les consommateurs peuvent accéder via leur smartphone à une interface regroupant de

nombreuses informations sur le parcours du produit depuis le lieu d’élevage ou de production jusque sa mise en rayon. "

Comment: It, actually, follows the Carrefour implementation of CQL for chicken, poultry, tomatoes, eggs and oranges. Shows the real-world use case for DLT besides currencies. However, still, the same solution might also be implemented without DLT. We don't have data which allows us to compare costs and efficiency of on-chain vs. of-chain solutions.