SVET Reports
Business Memo: Augmented Relaxation
As most of you I'm now under the strict governments orders to not leave enclosed depressing space and as a consequences I'm watching a lot of so-called relaxation videos.
It's actually has become a quite addicting for me because not only I can better concentrate on my work but also in those occasions when I become distracted I can lift my eyes and enjoy incredible scenes and landscapes which slowly flow on the screen.
That gave me the though: what if at the same time I would be able to see not only city outlines or beautiful river flows or mountains picks but also to know how big is that mountains or what is the name of the city (or f.e. of the historical monument) which happened to get into the camera.
Wouldn't it be great? Wouldn't it provide more advertising potential?
Yes we are talking about the augmented reality of the sort for which we do not have good tech yet to make it cheap enough. However, I'm sure if to install on cameras lenses a device which can for example measure and report the distance, the width and the height of the objects that already would be a great leap forward.
Now, how big is this market?
Digital Video Marketing in USA alone exceeds 130 billions in 2017. We can certainly double this number world-wide. Even if we take say 1% (our own local market) of 1% (percentage of relax video) of the total market we are looking at 26 000 000 size business.
Yes, it's not big and you certainly can call it life-style but for many entrepreneurs who like to travel and make money at the same time that is not a business opportunity to disregard.