
SVET Reports

What’s Up With Elon Musk?

The world has been divided not only from without but also from within. One lesson that business has learned from its past is to stay as far away from politics as possible. Not only it is dangerous to play those ruthless, brainless games of muscle against muscle and sword against sword, but it also frightens away many customers. Those who break that rule perish sooner or later.

However, bureaucrats want to be rich too, so they do whatever it takes to not only meddle in business under the pretext of “customer protection” but also to draw in as many entrepreneurs as they can. Alas, many talented but politically naive businesspeople still fall into that trap. They immediately find it impossible to retain the professional, impersonal cool that helped them serve humanity best; their motivation becomes irrational and emotional, filled with prejudices and foolishness.

After that, an entrepreneur finds that bureaucrats force them to divide the world into “us,” representing “everything good,” and “them,” representing “everything bad.” This is especially true in our times, when the deep chasm dividing our world into the “individualist” North and the “collectivist” South has become so apparent and increasingly violent. Many good entrepreneurs find it difficult to use only two colors for their brushes — black and white. The more they do so, the worse their businesses will be. Some of them may become pure machines of evil, as has happened so often in the not-so-distant past.

The only solution is the complete decentralization, or better yet, alienation of business from any type of bureaucratic government, which are run by the “will of dear leaders” and not by direct democracy or algorithmic-based consensus mechanisms.